“Music and art open hearts and expand perspectives.
Changing lives changes the world”
- Nadine Casanova (Kalibri)
Nadine Casanova, known in music as Kalibri, is a multimedia artist, activist, entrepreneur, and professional pollinator. Her purposeful journey began 16 years ago on an indigenous movement, “The Longest Walk”, sparking her advocacy for Mother Earth and commitment to catalyzing global transformation. She has consistently focused on cause driven projects, utilizing music, art and business ventures to make a difference.
In 2018, she founded AWA Oasia, an arts-centric cultural community hub in the heart of Los Angeles’ Arts District. Over 3.5 years, AWA hosted 200+ events for renowned clients, and supported local causes, particularly sustainability, arts and education. In 2022, her body of artwork (14 years in the making), mirroring her commitment to activism and indigenous initiatives, was selected for a historic NASA mission. This earned her a place amongst 222 artists chosen worldwide to contribute to a Lunaprise Museum and Archive that landed on the moon on 2/22/2024.
Love, honor, gratitude, and compassionate action underscore Nadine's creations, reflecting her dedication to uplifting humanity and inspiring positive change.
Check out a sneak peek of Kalibri's unreleased music which will be officially released in 2024.
(All these songs are on the moon and will be certified soon)
Now living on the moon for 1 billion years.
© 2024